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    How Can I Create a Visually Appealing C-Soft Design?


    How can I create an appealing C-Soft design?




    When our customers design their C-Soft consoles, often times the functionality of the designs are good but the appearance has a lot to be desired. Here are some basic tips on how to make a design that has a much more professional look, promotes dispatcher efficiency and operational accuracy, as well as cuts down on visual fatigue.

    - Use a uniform style and size on the design, as is appropriate.  Avoid mismatched font sizes.

    - Use contrasting colors for text and background colors.  Similar colors are difficult to read.

    - Use symetry in the overall design for a neat, balanced appearance.

    - Take advantage of the choices in global button styles. 

    - Use complementary colors in the design.  If in doubt, use a color wheel to choose compatible colors.

    - Take advantage of pop-up windows to conserve console real estate.

    - Take advantage of C-Soft's capabilities to add image files to the display background.

    Two examples of the same C-Soft design are shown below.  One is the way it was received from a customer (except the names have been changed).

    The second example is the same design that has been modified cosmetically only, except for the addition of mute buttons.  The difference speaks for itself.

    csoft design 1.jpg
    Figure 1 - The beginning design.

    csoft design 2.jpg
    Figure 2 - The improved design






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    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎11-27-2024 01:41 PM
    Updated by: