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    Understanding IP-223 Modes of Operation


    What do the modes of operation support?



    The IP-223 is capable of six different modes of operation.  Here are some explanations to help you understand the basics of how each mode works:

    Console Mode - Console mode is used to adapt an analog, tone controlled console so that it's signaling and voice audio can be transported across an IP network.  At the far end (radio end) of the network, a second IP-223 converts the data back into analog voice and regenerates the analog MSK tones.  The radio end IP-223 (in Tone Mode) can control a tone remote adapter panel, or tone controlled radio.  The radio end IP-223 is also capable of controlling a radio locally.  (See more on Local and Tone modes below)  The Console Mode IP-223 also converts receive packets back into analog audio for the receive side of the console radio traffic. Note: Console mode also supports E&M input logic to generate remote radio keying when control tones are not present. 

    Tone Mode - A Tone Mode IP-223 normally controls a radio at the remote end of the network.  It receives data from the network that originates from IP console or an analog tone generating device, such as a legacy console connected to an IP-223 in Console mode.  The IP-223 at the radio end of the system converts the digital IP information back into voice and tone signaling, which drives a tone remote adapter, or tone controlled radio.  Receive audio is also sent back to the console in a similar manner.

    Local Mode -  This mode is normally used at the radio (remote) end of the system and controls the radio with PTT, COR, TX and RX audio, via a direct connection to the radio auxiliary connector.  In some systems, channel control is used via the IP-223 BCD logic or by using serial control methods.

    Phone Mode - Phone Mode allows the IP-223 to interface to a POTS line via a Telex TDI adapter.  It allows basic telephone line functions to be provided through a C-Soft console.

    iDEN Mode - iDEN mode allows the IP-223 to interface with a Falcon class POC (Push to Talk over Cellular) mobile phone system.  An NI-223+ is required to interface the radio handset with the IP-223.  The radio can be operated as a cellular phone, or POC phone.

    TETRA Mode - TETRA Radio Mode Tetra Radio Mode allows interface to the Sepura SRM-2000/3500 mobile radio.  Similar to the iDEN Mode, the TETRA radio can be operated as a POC mobile, or cellular phone.

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    ‎11-27-2024 12:00 PM
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