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    When I transmit on one line I hear my communications on another line.


    How can I mute my transmit audio coming back as receive on another line?



    In some radio systems, when several RF channels are the same to each other in frequency, transmitting on one channel can cause others to break squelch and make noise. Although this is in reality likely an RF problem that is best dealt with by addressing the root causes—antenna proximity, orientation, and TX power output levels, etc., Telex C-Soft can help mask these symptoms by providing audio RX blocks for selected adjacent channel lines. RX blocks programmed into C-Soft will automatically mute the lines selected in the list during console transmit. (Other Telex "hard" consoles also have this feature.)

    For example, if Line 1, a VHF channel is randomly causing three other nearby VHF channels, Line 2, Line 3 and Line 4 to unsquelch during transmit, RX block should be programmed for those channels as shown in Figure 1.

    This screen is found in Edit/Set up per line parameters/Frequency.

    Note: per-line mute buttons must be present in the design for RX Block to work.
    rx delay 1.jpg
    Figure 1

    RX Block delay time

    RX Block delay, found in Edit/Global parameters/Audio, sets the amount of time in milliseconds, that the muting time is continued after console ptt stops.  This can be useful for masking repeater squelch tails and network latency of parallel line RX traffic, see Figure 2.

     rx delay 2.jpg
    Figure 2

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    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎11-27-2024 01:58 PM
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