Where does the phone number information get entered in programming to instruct the end user to contact the security company when the help key is pressed on the D1260 keypad?
How to correct the D8112/5505 not sending a Reboot report.
The 8112/5505 panel is communicating alarm and trouble signals but after resetting the panel it does not report the reboot.
How to interpret the 'Check Device' display on a D1255 or D1260 keypad.
Why does the keypad display "Check Device"?
How to locate which point generated the 'Check Device' display and modify programming to prevent the display.
How to progrma the 6112/5503 to send reboot reports.
6112/5503panel is communicating alarm and trouble signals but, when I do a disable restart it will not send the reboot signal.
AC Fail/Res Rpt
Default: No
Selections: Yes/No
Parameter Description: AC Power Supervision reports are sent to the central station and local printer at the time programmed for AC Fail Time.
IMPORTANT: To comply with NFPA standards and UL 864 requirements for Commercial Fire Systems, program this item NO and program AC Tag Along as YES.
Parameter Options
Yes: Send AC Fail and AC Restoral reports.
No: Do not send AC Fail and AC Restoral reports.
Programming Instructions
D5200 Programming
1) Receive copy of 9000MAIN
3) Enter group Power Supervision
4) Fail/Res Rpt Yes/No (SPACE bar to change)
*Must press ENTER for each prompt entry
5) Send Load to panel