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    No recording for cameras added to VRM (DIP 7000AIO): ‘Unexpected error’ in BVMS Config Client

    100% helpful (1/1)

    Possible causes and solution(s)


    • Symptoms

    Newly added cameras have problems with the storage. No recording blocks are given to new cameras, and it's impossible to record.

    There are more cameras added to the VRM Pool in Configuration Client than the ones displayed on the VRM web page.

    There are no recordings and under the Recording Management there is "Unexpected error while reading or writing this setting. Target devices doesn’t exist in DB" message:



    • Solution

    Please make sure that the configuration has been saved and activated on the BVMS server.

    Also, make sure that the cameras have been added to the Maps and Structures Device Tree.

    Once the above are in place, please restart the VRM services as follows:

    • Open Task Manager – go to Services tab – search for Bosch Video Recording Manager – Right click – Restart.

    You can also perform a camera reboot.

    If the cameras have been previously linked to a different VRM IP, please ensure that the cameras have the correct VRM IP set. You may check this in the camera GUI menu, as shown in the following screenshots:

    • Remove the cameras from the VRM

                   - Perform a camera factory default.

                   - Re-add the cameras to the server and check the camera menu again ensuring the IPs of VRM match.


    ⚠️ Important Note: The server cannot have 2x different IP addresses in one LAN port. It is not recommended to have multiple IP addresses on the same vNIC.

    If you do this way, you must remove the secondary IP address of the server, and restart it.



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    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎09-27-2023 09:14 AM
    Updated by:
    Labels (6)