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    What could be the cause of VSC App being stuck on ‘seeking’ when trying to playback older video?



    What could be the cause of Video Security Client App being stuck on ‘seeking’ when trying to playback older video?

    Video Security Client App being stuck on ‘seeking’.png




    If the VSC App is installed on the onsite user's computer, then the cameras most probably are added to VSC one by one. In this case, when you are trying to playback, this is camera replay and not VRM replay.

    The camera can replay only the last 32 recorded blocks. 
    If you want to be able to replay the recording for the complete retention time, you should use VRM replay. VRM should be accessible and added to the VSC.


    • Make sure that the versions of VRM, Transcoder, eXport Wizard & BVMS are compatible.
    • Also, make sure that you are using the correct cameras FW versions compatible with the BVMS version you have installed. Please always check the latest release notes published on the Bosch Security website.


    Nice to know.pngNice to know

    An alternative way to playback older videos is Operator Client installed on your workstation. Check this article and see how you can show the recorded video via BVMS Operator Client.

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎03-15-2023 11:34 AM
    Updated by: