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    How can I reset the password of CSoft 7.700 and higher?



    I forgot my CSoft password, how do I reset it back to factory default?




    If you need to default the password for CSoft because you have forgotten it, or the person who had created the password is no longer with your company, please follow the steps below.

    1:  Open up Windows file explorer and navigate to the following location:  /ProgramData/Telex Communications/C-Soft/Settings 

    2: Delete the following file:  ClientPassword.dat 

    3:  This will have reset the CSoft password back to default and you will need to use TSM 3.00 or greater to change the password from default before you are able to make changes to CSoft using TSM.

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎05-09-2022 08:32 AM
    Updated by:
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