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    How To Diagnose Ground Fault on DS7400 Series Panel


    Why does the keypad display Fire Trouble, but does not indicate any zones in trouble?


    Check the history of the control panel (Master PIN Code  # 89) . If the system shows a SYSTEM FAULT 04, follow the steps below:

     A ground fault condition exists on the system. There is a short to ground somewhere in the system.

      Solution: Start by disconnecting the field wiring from each terminal while watching the keypad display. The keypad power light should stop flashing when the ground fault has been removed.

    If a keypad is not present at the control panel, use a voltmeter to find the ground fault:

    1. Connect the negative lead to terminal 1 or 2 panel ground.
    2. Connect the positive lead to terminal 8 AUX Power.

    Voltmeter should read between 6.5Vdc and 7.5Vdc.  A reading that is higher or lower indicates a ground fault.

    Remove the field wiring from the control panel while watching he voltmeter. When the voltage returns to the normal voltage of 6 .5Vdc to 7.5Vdc, you have found the wire that is causing the ground fault.

    Part numbers DS7400X, DS7400, DS7400Xi, DS7400XIVER2, DS7400XIVER3+, DS7400XIVER4+,

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎05-24-2018 04:22 PM
    Updated by: