How is view point status accessed from a D1255/D1256 keypad?
If View PT Status has already been added to the keypad's menu, perform the following to access it:
If VIEW PT STATUS has not yet been added to the command menu on the keypad, follow the steps below to add it to the menu:
If programming is being done with a D5200 programmer:
Panel type Product Handler Jump to step
D7412 9000MAIN 1
D9412 9000MAIN 1
D7212 9000MAIN 1
D9112 9000MAIN 1
D7212B or B1 7212B 2
D9112B or B1 9112B 2
1.) If using the 9000MAIN handler:
2.)If using the 9112B or 7212B handler:
3.) Go to Menu Item 32. *Note: Menu item 32 is being used simply because it is most likely to have not been used already. Any menu item can be used except 1 through 4 which must be left as 128 through 132*
4. ) Set M32 Function to 10.
5.) Set M32 CC Address # to Yes (# represents the address assigned to the keypad)
6.) Send the program back to the panel and refer to the beginning of this question for instructions on accessing view point status from the menu.
B. If programming is being done with RPS or RAM IV:
1.) Under USER INTERFACE -> Command Center Functions, set View PT Status to E.
2.) For 7212B/B1 or 9112B/B1, go to USER INTERFACE -> Command Menu; for all others go to FUNCTION LIST.
3.) Set any available Menu Item's Function # to 10 and set CC Address # to Yes (# represents the address assigned to the keypad)
4.) Save and send the program back to the panel.
Return to the beginning of this question for instructions on accessing view point status from the menu.