- When using the DX4010V2 to connect to an FPD-7024, a Subscript out of Range error may result. This error may be caused by conflicting programming between the current panel program and the settings that RPS is sending to the panel.
- Prior to connecting RPS, the panel must first be configured with the settings; Remote Programming Enabled=Yes and Ring Count=2 (or greater). When connecting via Enhanced Direct with the DX4010V2, Alternate Communications is set to Serial.
- If an account with default settings; Remote Programming Enabled=NO or Ring Count=0, is sent to the panel using RPS the Subscript Out of Range error may result.
Verify the panel account in RPS is configured with Programming Enabled=Yes and Ring Count=2 (or greater) (see figures 1 and 2 below).
Figure 1 Remote Programming Enabled
Figure 2 Rig Count Selection
After programming is complete and the DX4010V2 is removed, update the panel’s option bus. Otherwise a trouble will be generated as the panel supervises for a device on Option Bus address 250.
- Update the Option Bus to add or remove the DX4010V2 from the bus.
- Press (3) Program System
- Press (4) Option Bus
- Press (1) Update Bus
- The keypad will display “Updating . . . TOT BUS DEVS: XX”. XX = the total number of devices on the Option bus.