One of the following programming keypads (FMR-DACT-KEYPAD, D7033, or DS9447) displays "SYSTEM FAULT" when programming one of the following DACT models: D9068, DS9602, DCT-1, DCT-1E or FPT-DACT.
What to check.
1.) The keypad was working and went in to "SYSTEM FAULT" - If no action is done at the keypad for 3 Minutes the keypad times out and displays "SYSTEM FAULT" - to get the key operational, just unplug the 5 wire harness from the DACT and re-plug it in.
2.) Are both black leads of the 5 pin harness wired to the BLK terminal of the keypad?
3.) Verify the keypad has the Address Jumper installed across the first 2 pins. (Address 1) The addressing pins are located on the back of the programming keypad. You will need to remove the back cover to access the address pins.