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    How to diagnose a System Trouble on the D9068 DACT Dialer

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    Diagnose why the System Trouble LED is lit on the D9068 DACT Dialer.

    1. Connect the programming keypad (FMR-DACT-KEYPAD, D7033, or DS9447) to the dialer using the 5 pin harness.
    2. Press 1 Status - Each of the existing DACT troubles will display.
      1. Trouble Keypad - the Keypad is connected to the DACT. This is normal while the programming keypad is connected. There should be no other other troubles displayed.
      2. Trouble Phone 1 - a trouble exists on phone line 1.
      3. Trouble Phone 2 - a trouble exists on phone line 2.
      4. Trouble with one of the points.
      5. Trouble Progamming - This will display when one or more of the below items is missing.
        1. Program Accounts
          1. Account #1:
          2. Account #2:
        2. Phone Numbers
          1. Phone #1: ?????????
          2. Phone #2: ?????????
        3. Phone Control
          1. Phone #1 Format:
          2. Phone #2 Format:
    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎12-19-2023 10:13 PM
    Updated by:
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