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    How to disabled zones/points in programming in the DS7400 Series


    How to disabled zones/points  in programming in the DS7400 Series panel?


    Enter programming using the Default pin plus # 0.

    Default pin = 9876

    The keypads will display Program Mode X.XX.

    There are 4 versions of the panel.

    Version 1 will read Program Mode 1.XX, Version 2 will be 2.XX, Version 3 will be 3.XX and Version 4 will 4 .XX.

    Version 1 panel add 0021 to the point # and you will have the 4 digit address of the point = point 1 is address 0022.

    To take the point out of programming at address 0022 enter a 00 #.

    Version 2 panel add 0017 to the point # and you will have the 4 digit address of the point = point 1 is address 0018.

    To take the point out of programming at address 0018 enter a 00 #.

    Version 3 panel add 0017 to the point # and you will have the 4 digit address of the point = point 1 is address 0018.

    To take the point out of programming at address 0018 enter a 00 #.

    Version 4 panel add 0030 to the point # and you will have the 4 digit address of the point = point 1 is address 0018.

    To take the point out of programming at address 0031 enter a 00 #.

    To Exit Programming From any of the versions, press and hold the (*) key for 3 seconds.

    Part numbers DS7400X, DS7400, DS7400Xi, DS7400XIVER2, DS7400XIVER3+, DS7400XIVER4+,

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎06-01-2018 04:03 PM
    Updated by: