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    How to wire the D299 relay to the D290S and test without tripping the head


    How to wire the D299 relay to the D290S and test without tripping the head.


    1. Wire the White wire on the D299 to L2 and the Black wire to S2 - do not connect the red wire.
    2. To test the relay without tripping the head then remove the head and short from L4 on the D290S to L2. This will trip the relay.

    *Note - the incoming switched 24 volt wire on the D290S base should land on terminal L4 and leave to the next base on terminal L4.

    Part numbers D299, D290S, D281, D282, D283, D254, D255, D256, D257

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎06-04-2018 09:08 PM
    Updated by:
    Labels (2)