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    How to wire the F220-B6C Base

    Issue - The control panel goes into alarm when the F220 Smoke Head is installed in an F220-B6C base. If I use the same smoke head and install it into an F220-B6R base, it works fine. What causes this problem

    Solution - The wiring diagram for the F220-B6R uses terminals 1 and 2 as the alarm loop, whereas the F220-B6C uses terminals 4 and 5 as the alarm loop and terminal 1, 2, and 3 are the relay.

    F220-B6C Wiring DC-IN/OUT a1/a2

    DC + IN b1 DC + OUT b2 Remote LED output c Auxiliary Form C NC (Terminal 1) Auxiliary Form C C

    (Terminal 2) Auxiliary Form C NO (Terminal 3) Alarm Relay Form A C (Terminal 4) Alarm Relay Form A NO

    (Terminal 5) F220-B6R Wiring DC-IN/OUT a1/a2 DC + IN b1 DC + OUT b2 Remote LED output c Alarm

    Contact NO (Terminal 1) Alarm Relay C (Terminal 2)

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎05-16-2018 04:19 PM
    Updated by:
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