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    ‎11-27-2024 11:04 AM
    Sometimes it is possible to get a settings pane with the text out of the pane like shown below:     First check in your display settings if the scale is set to 100%, if not then change to 100%   If this will not solve the issue then do the following steps:   - Uninstall all versions of the software - Download and reinstalled all the display drivers + - restart PC - Install IRIS-Net 4.0.0 - restart PC again
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    67% helpful (2/3)
    ‎09-21-2021 11:01 AM
    Sometimes it is possible to get a settings window with the text out of the panel like shown below:   Solution   First check in your display settings if the scale is set to 100%, if not then change to 100%: If this will not solve the issue then do the following steps:   Uninstall all versions of the software Download and reinstalled all the display drivers + restart PC Install IRIS-Net 4.0.0 restart PC again
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    ‎04-06-2021 12:15 PM
    Symptoms When using PRS-4OMI4 in a Praesideo system, there was a delay and jittering when they made an announcement from 1 NCO to the other NCO  Diagnosis The problem was caused by older OMNEO firmware within the OMI’s. Though the Praesideo software in the OMI’s was relatively up-to-date (4.37), the OMNEO firmware was not. Unfortunately, updating the Praesideo software through the optical bus does not also update the OMNEO firmware as this is a completely different path (OMNEO is updated through the Ethernet connection of the OMI). Solution   Due to some issues with OMNEO Firmware Update Tool v5.40 not working with unsigned firmware files (and the OMNEO firmware files are unsigned), it’s recommended to use OMNEO FWUT that comes with the Praesideo software folder. This version can be found on the Praesideo software folder then the folder 'Tools' , 'PRS-4OMI4 config tools'. Install the 'SetupOMNEOfirmwareUploadTool(64).msi'. Install the 'PRS-4OMI4 Network Firmware Vx.xx.xxxx.msi'. Open the OMNEO firmware upload tool. Select the PRS-4OMI4 units that needs the update. Click on 'Upload' Select the needed firmware file Click start.
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