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    How to configure Access via PIN code alone AMS 3.0

    • Step 1: Create your door model and select ¨wiegand reader, keyboard¨

    step 1.PNG


    • In case that the door was created previously without keyboard, it can be modified under the reader settings select type and select WIE1K reader

     step 2.PNG

    • Step 2: Under options enable ¨access also by PIN code alone¨

    step 2b.PNG


    • Step3: Go to configuration, Options, PIN codes and select the desired PIN code length

    step 3.PNG




    • Step 4: Go to Card reader and create type Dialog PIN card, two options available ¨Generate PIN¨ (I will generate a random PIN code) or ¨enter PIN¨ (user can enter customized PIN code)

    step 4.PNG



    • Step 5: Go to card definition and enable Input mode

    step 5.PNG


    • Step 6: Go to Personnel data, select Cards, select the right arrow under ¨record card¨ and select ¨Dialog  PIN card¨, enter the PIN code. 

    step 6.PNGstep 6a.PNGstep 6b.PNG



    1. Visitors are not allowed to use identification PIN codes only verification PIN Code.
    2. Make sure door is assigned to an authorization.
    3. Operation, to access via PIN code: Enter your PIN code followed by #
    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎01-18-2021 06:16 AM
    Updated by:
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