Check the programming for the following issue:
If you have associate and shared areas programmed, and attempt to Auto Arm a Shared area via any SKED, you will receive a Checksum Error. Auto Arming a shared area is not allowed.
Remove the sked that Auto Arms the shared area or remove the shared area.
You may also have a SKED arming an Area that is not Enabled in Area Wide.
Part numbers D7212B, D9112B, D7212B1, D9112B1, D7212, D7412, D9112, D9124, D9412, D7212G, D7412G, D9124G, D9412G, D7212GV2, D7412GV2, D9124GV2, D9412GV2, D7212GV3, D7412GV3, D9412GV3,