This article describes how to correct a situation where text in the main page of RPS appears normal but text in the panel account programming page is much smaller.
An Exit Error occurs when a point with a programmed entry delay is faulted while the area is arming but remains faulted throughout the entire arming process.
Some customers may encounter failures when attempting to upgrade or downgrade a control panel using the RPS Firmware Update Wizard in RPS/RPS-LITE v6.14.100. The update process will begin to process and then fail, stopping with a Could not update firmware error message.
How to troubleshoot Comm Fail when intrusion alarm panels communicate over phone lines.
What would cause a control panel to go into Comm Trouble or Comm Fail?
How to determine which wireless interface to use with the EN1224-ON keyfob.
How to determine which control panels the EN1224-ON keyfob can be used with.
Is the EN1224-ON compatible with D7212 panel types (G, GV2, GV3 or GV4)?
Are Radion Wireless and B Series Keypads compatible with D7412Gv4/ D9412Gv4/ D7212GV4 Control Panels?
Radion Wireless and B Series Keypads are only compatible with D7412GV4 and D9412GV4 on firmware ver 2.0 or newer panels.
D7412Gv4 or D9412Gv4 ver 1.0 can be upgraded to ver 2.0, however older SDI keypads will lose most of their functionality as part of the upgrade
The D7212GV4 CANNOT be upgraded. Hence it will never be compatible with either of those devices.
For Normally Closed (NC) circuits, wire the resistor in series with the circuit
For Normally Open (NO) circuits, wire the resistor in parallel with the circuit
Glassbreak detectors are designed to listen for specific sounds from breaking glass. The device used for testing must generate the proper sounds for the glassbreak to generate an alarm. If the correct tester is not used, an alarm will not be generated.
The history log should be used as a first resource to isolate the source of ongoing point or system troubles. When central station reports appear to conflict with panel operation, the history log will reveal the actual events which were processed by the panel.
The B8512G and B9512G have slots for two B430 Plug-in Telephone Communicators to provide redundant telephone connections.
Upon power up the panel uses the B430 in the Mod-1 slot until a Test Report is initiated or when the panel phone supervision declares the line currently in use as failed.
B430, B8512G, B9512G