How to program phone supervision time.
Default: Blank
Selections: Blank or 10 - 240
The panel tests the primary phone line approximately nine times a minute and the secondary line once a minute. This prompt sets the amount of time the panel continues to monitor a faulted phone line before initiating phone line trouble responses.
Command centers display [SERVC PH LINE #] to indicate which phone line failed. The command center will initiate a trouble tone if Buzz On Fail is YES and CC# Trouble Tone is YES.
With dual phone lines (using the D928 module), the restored phone line will handle all messages regardless of the phone line's number.
Phone trouble and restoral events report when they occur. They report also when a diagnostic report is initiated from a command center or by a Sked.
Blank: No phone line supervision.
10 - 240: Enter the number of seconds (in 10 second increments) you wish to supervise the phone line. After a faulted phone line restores, it takes the same amount of time to initiate restoral responses.
D5200 programming (7000, 9000, G, GV2, GV3 Firmware 8.05 and Lower)
1) Receive copy of the using the correct handler.
Note: For GV3 - Firmware 8.05 and Lower either RPS or D5200. GV3 Firmware 8.10 and higher is RPS only.
3) Enter group Phone Parameters
4) Enter value a into Phone Supv Time
*Must press enter for each prompt entry
5) SEND LOAD to the panel