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    How to Troubleshoot Buzz on Phone Fail 7000, 9000, G, Gv2, GV3, GV4, & New G Panels

    Overview: This parameter activates the Trouble Tone if the phone line fails


    Programming panel to Buzz the keypad when the phone line(s) fail.

    Programming  - Buzz On Fail

    Default: No

    Selections: Yes/No

    Parameter Description

    This parameter activates the Trouble Tone if the phone line fails.


    • Phone Supv Time must be programmed to use this feature.

    • Panel-wide trouble tones for individual command centers (based on their CC# 1 through 😎 can be turned off by programming CC# Trouble Tone in Command Center Parameters as NO.

    Parameter Options

    • Yes: Generate panel-wide trouble tones and display [PHONE FAIL #] at command centers when a Phone Fail event occurs.

    • No: Do not generate trouble tones at command centers when a Phone Fail event occurs. [PHONE FAIL #] will still display.

    Programming Instructions

    D5200 programming (7000, 9000, G, GV2, GV3 Firmware 8.05 and Lower)

    1) Receive copy of the using the correct handler.

    • 7212B Handler for D7212B & D7212B1
    • 9112B Handler for D9112B & D9112B1
    • 9000MAIN Handler for D7212, D7412, D9112, D9412, 7212G, D7412G, D9112G, D9412G
    • GV2MAIN Handler for 7212GV2, D7412GV2, D9412GV2, 7212GV3, D7412GV3, D9412GV3

    Note: For GV3 - Firmware 8.05 and Lower either RPS or D5200. GV3 Firmware 8.10 and higher is RPS only.

    2) Enter group into PANEL WIDE PARAMETER

    3) Enter group into Phone Parameters

    4) Buzz On Fail      Yes/No

    *Change prompt with the SPACE bar

    *Must press enter for each prompt entry

    5) SEND LOAD to panel

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎07-03-2018 05:01 PM
    Updated by: