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    How to determine which GV4 panel types can be upgraded from ver 1.x to ver 2.x.

    Only the D7412GV4 and D9412GV4 have firmware version 2.x available. 

    The D7212 type panel has been discontinued after GV4 version 1, therefore the version 2 firmware is not available for the D7212GV4.  If the funtionality of  firmware version 2 was needed, then upgrading the D7212GV4 to a D7412GV4 or D9412GV4 is recomended.

    As an additional option, replacing with a B3512, B4412, B5512 or B6512 may be an excellent option for replacement should the upgrade be desired. Please refer to the B Series documentation on our website at
    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎07-25-2018 10:18 PM
    Updated by: