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    How to determine which antenna to use with the B444 or B440 cellular cards.

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    The B440 and B444 cellular communicators each come with a unique antenna and they are not interchangeable. Each type of cellular communicator must use the correct standard antenna.  

    Therefore it is important to identify the correct antenna for proper compatibility. Figure 1 below shows both antennas.

    • Antenna 1, used by the B440 has a more slender design and has a silver connector.
    • Antenna 2, used by the B444 has a more robust design and has a gold connector.

    B440 vs B444 Antennas.png

    Figure 1 B440 versus B444 Cellular  communicator antennas

    • The B40 or B40-P Puck Booster antennas are interchangeable and can be used on either the B444 or B440.

    Antenna Boosters.png

    Figure 2  B40 and B40-P antennas

    Version history
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    ‎01-16-2020 10:02 PM
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