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    How to enable phone line supervision in the D4412 or D6412.

     Using Remote Programming Software:
    • Browse to PANEL WIDE PARAMETERS/Phone, Auto-Forward and RAM Configuration.
    • Double-click and select: Enable Supervision (System Trouble at CMD CTR).
    Using Keypad Programming:
    • Set Phone Line Fault Response Options, nibble 0220, to a non-zero value to enable phone line supervision; Check chart below to view nibble programming options.

    D6412 Phone Supervision Settings.png

    Select one of the following:

    1. (1) - Enable supervision
    2. (3) - Enable supervision, Burg alarm & strobe functions, All or part on
    3. (5)- Enable supervision, Burg alarm & strobe functions, off
    4. (7) - Enable supervision, Burg alarm & strobe functions, All or part on, and off
    • When phone line supervision is enabled, the panel monitors for voltage. If voltage drops below 1 V for 40 seconds the panel declares a phone line fault.
    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎06-14-2018 03:06 PM
    Updated by:
    Labels (2)