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    How to interpret the D8125Mux LED status and how to return the card to default.

    Operation LED Descriptions
    LED Status Function
    Flashing: 1/2 second on, 1/2 second off         The D8125MUX scans its programmed multiplex points and operates normally.
    OFF A module fault is indicated.
    ON The Multiplex Point Programmer is connected to the D8125MUX.
    Flash 2x-1x-2x-1x..., etc. D8125MUX EEPROM has been rest to factory default

    To reset the D8125MUX EEPROM:
    1. Connect the D5060 Programmer to the 4-pin Program Port on the D8125Mux. 
    2. The LED changes from 1/2 second flash to steady on.
    3. Place a shoring bar over the reset pins.
    4. The LED flash pattern changes from steady on to flash to 2x-1x-2x-1x indicating the default is complete.
    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎05-25-2018 07:50 PM
    Updated by: