Bosch Building Technologies

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    How to interpret the keypad display 'SDI Fail' with a device number.

    A supervised device has been added to the control panel program, such as a keypad, network device or printer interface.  The panel is not able to see this device on the SDI bus, the device number will indicate what kind of device and its addres.

    1. Need to check the wireing to the SDI device
    2. Check the DIP switch addressing of each SDI device
    • SDI 1 - 8 =  Keypads
    • SDI 17 - 19 =  Printer Modules
    • SDI 33 - 40 =  D9210B
    • SDI 80 - 88 = B426, DX4020 or D9133TTLE
    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎07-23-2018 07:59 PM
    Updated by:
    Labels (2)