The default settings for the BFSK/Relay Point Assignments on a 7000/9000 or 'B' Series control panel are non-zero values between 1 and 8. These default settings were intended for the purpose of sending signals in BFSK format, which do not apply when signals are sent in Modem format.
When using BFSK/Relay programming, the actual relay (see chart below) corresponding to the entry in the BFSK/Relay column in Point Assignments latches when the selected point goes into alarm. The number entered, always 1-8 for the 8 available BFSK/Relays, can be used any number of times through programming. This is particularly useful when any or all points in a point range go into alarm and cause a single event to occur, such as activating cameras or opening fire doors. 7000 series control panels latch selected octorelays between 9-16 and 9000 series control panels latch selected octorelays between 73-80 when corresponding points in point assignments go into alarm.
When points programmed to use BFSK relays go into alarm, the corresponding relay remains latched until the alarm is acknowledged and cleared from memory.