This procedure allows the Request-to- Exit (REX) motion detector to shunt the door contact without tripping the strike/magnetic lock.
NOTE: The controller firmware version must be 3.34 or higher.
Disconnect the line driver from the master controller if it is administered by an administration kit.
- Ensure that a faceplate is connected to the controller.
- To enter faceplate programming:
- Press and hold [RESET] for two seconds and then release.
- Press it again for one second when the control panel starts to beep. " PASSWRD" appears on the display.
- Type PAC1990 at the PASSWRD prompt.
- At the CMD prompt, type INST, and then press [ENT].
- Press [NXT] five times.The "ENTER SYS TYPE" prompt appears.
- Press [0][ENT][ESC].
- At the CMD prompt, type "D" , and then then press [ENT].
- Press [NXT] four times.
- At the "DR1 M2" prompt, type the channel number that you want to shunt.
- Press [ENT], and then press [ESC] twice. The door now shunts, but the lock does not release.