The 190 comes preset to trip once every 24 hours. To adjust this time you have a series of jumpers that must be cut.
- 1hour ...................ABCE
- 2...........................BCE
- 3...........................ACE
- 4...........................CE
- 6...........................BE
- 8...........................E
- 12.........................CDE
- 1 DAYS..................NONE
- 2...........................DEF
- 3...........................EG
- 4...........................DG
- 5.......................... FG
- 6..........................DEH
- 7..........................EFH
- 8..........................DFH
- 9..........................GH
- 10........................DEFGH
The test interval time will then need to be set. There is a black button which is used to zero the clock to the present time, and a red button which is used to advance the timer clock up in hour intervals. Each flash of the LED indicates a one hour increase.