Intrusion control panels provide a duress feature providing options for users to modify their user passcode and generate a duress alarm when necessary.
When adding new codes, the last digit must not be within 2 numbers, higher or lower, than the last digit of any existing code. Otherwise adding a conflicting code is attempted and the “Passcode in Use" message is generated. This rule applies regardless of which duress option is in use.
For example, a “Passcode in Use” message is generated if adding any of the following codes is attempted while 1234 is used in the panel.
Duress types 0-3 are available for GV2 and higher panel types. G series panel types only use Duress types 1 and 2.
Duress Type 0:
Duress feature is disabled, only actual user codes will work for normal operation.
Duress type 1:
Users add 1 to the last digit of their passcode to send a duress alarm report when they enter the passcode at a keypad.
Example: If the passcode is 6123, entering 6124 activates a duress alarm.
If the last digit of the passcode is 9, a duress alarm occurs when the user enters 0 as the last digit of the passcode.
Duress type 2:
Users add 2 to the last digit of their passcode to send a duress alarm report when they enter the passcode at a keypad.
Example: If the passcode is 6123, entering 6125 activates a duress alarm.
If the last digit of the passcode is 9, a duress alarm occurs when the user enters 1 as the last digit of the passcode.
Duress type 3:
Send a Duress event when any passcode with the authority setting: Send Duress=YES is entered.
When using Duress type 3 a single Duress code is added for all users. This Duress code will be the only code using an authority level with the setting Send Duress=YES.