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    Lift the encryption for a DICENTIS which were placed by accident with the OMNEO Firmware Upload Tool

    Possible causes and solution(s)


    • Causes:


    The Dicentis does not need any additional encryption to be set via the OMNEO Firmware Upload Tool. (OFUT)

    If you have set this by accident it could lead to that you can not see or update your units with the OFUT any more.


    • Solution:


    1. stop the Firmware Upload Tool
    2. delete the following file 
      C:\Program Files\Bosch\OMNEO\Firmware Upload Tool\FirmwareUploadHIConfig.ini
    3. start the Firmware Upload Tool


    • Encrypted devices did not show up and you can not update them anymore. 
      Do not set a password for default!
    • Open and delete this file 
      C:\Program Files\Bosch\OMNEO\Firmware Upload Tool\FirmwareUploadHIConfig.ini


    • Open the OFUT and units will appear again.


    Version history
    Last update:
    3 weeks ago
    Updated by: