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    RESTful API doesn’t show speakers as muted during priority call on CCS1000D


    The RESTful API of the CCS1000D is used in order to get a clear view of the state of the discussion devices’ microphones (amongst other things). However, when a Priority call is made, the other speakers still show as active even though they are muted in reality.


    This is actually as it' supposed to work. The reason the speakers still show as active is because they remain in the speaker list while the priority call comes through (in this case, the chairperson making an announcement overruling all other parties) is that in the system there’s a difference between speakers being muted and speakers being removed from the speaker list.

    In this case, after the priority call ends, the speakers are unmuted and can resume the discussion.

    It’s also possible to configure the system to stop all speakers and remove all waiting participants from the request list. If the system is setup in this way and the chairperson starts speaking, the system will indeed erase all other speakers and waiting speakers.

    The API can be used to create a custom interface. This means that logic can be added so the preferred outcome is created. In this case it means that the custom interface needs to poll for the speakers list but also needs to take in account that when a priority call comes through (also pollable) this means the others are muted. Using these two givens can then be used to for example change the icons of the speakers to a ‘muted’ state in the custom interface.

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎04-06-2021 11:56 AM
    Updated by:
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