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    Service Bulletin: Dicentis not visible in Dante Controller


    When upgrading from a previous DICENTIS version that supports DANTE (V2.20 – V3.00) to the latest version 3.10, the following problem will occur; The DICENTIS system is not visible anymore in the Audinate’s DANTE controller software, where it was visible before the upgrade. The cause is that there is an old version of the Dante Virtual Device (DVD) manager (V3.10.1.3) software installed and this version is not updated by the DICENTIS installer to the correct version of DVD manager (V4.0.2.4)


    The correct version of Dante Virtual Device was added to the Dicentis v3.11 installer. Best solution therefore, if possible, is to update the system to v3.11.

    If this is not possible, the method of manually updating DVD is found in the attached Service Bulletin.

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎11-27-2024 03:39 PM
    Updated by: