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    Unexpected behaviour or no reaction of DCN-SW

    Version(s): all versions

    Problem description:

    Unexpected behavior or no reaction of DCN-SW.


    Due to Windows Automatic Updates, some critical components like SQL Server Express might be temporarily unavailable for DCN-SW until a restart has taken place. 

    It’s advised to not set Automatic Updates to Automatic, or restart your system after the automatic updates have been installed.

    It’s best to periodically run these updates manually. It’s possible to set Windows to download the updates but not run them, this way the software can be quickly installed at an opportune moment which does not interrupt meetings. Always reboot the server after installation in order to make sure all software is running correctly.

    Another option is to set the automatic updates during the night, when no meetings take place, but make sure that the server is also rebooted in this scenario.

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎11-27-2024 02:37 PM
    Updated by: