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    How to retrieve hardware ID for BIS and check the Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) status?

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    Since August 1st, 2020: Bosch has changed its software maintenance policy and the support will be offered based on the Software Maintenance Agreement status.

    This article describes how can you check the status of your SMA for BIS .

    This article applies when:

    • You want to check if you still have a valid SMA to see if you are still eligible to get support via the Bosch Central Support team
    • You want to check if you need to extend the Bosch Assurance Agreement for Building Integration System (BIS) for yourself or your customer

    Article requirements:

    • BIS 4.2 or higher
    • Access to internet
    • Recommended Browser: Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome
    • Valid account to log in into the Bosch Security Systems Software License Manager (SLMS) or a valid email address to register
    • Access to PC to get Hardware ID

    Step-by-step guide

    1. Open BIS Manager and login

    1How to retrieve hardware ID for Building Integration System (BIS) and check the Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) status.png

    2. Select License tab and click on the Start License Manager button

    2How to retrieve hardware ID for Building Integration System (BIS) and check the Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) status.png


    3. Tick any  license type and click on the activate button

    3How to retrieve hardware ID for Building Integration System (BIS) and check the Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) status.png


    4. The Computer signature is displayed on the screen

    4How to retrieve hardware ID for Building Integration System (BIS) and check the Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) status.png


    5. Login to your account on

    5How to retrieve hardware ID for Building Integration System (BIS) and check the Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) status.png


    6. Find your SMA expiration date by searching after your Computer Signature or Authorization Number or Activation Key with one of the following methods:

    6How to retrieve hardware ID for Building Integration System (BIS) and check the Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) status.png


    • If you would like to find out the difference between the Bosch Software Assurance GO and PRO maintenance agreement, check Bosch Software Assurance page.
    • If you are wondering about the new SMA strategy change, see the following letter.
    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎04-06-2021 08:43 AM
    Updated by: