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    How to setup Keypad-Only Operation in the Access Easy Controller (AEC) 1.0


    I need to set up Keypad-Only operation in the AEC1.0 so people can gain access to the building by only typing in a PIN at the PIN/Prox reader. How do I set it up?


    1. Browse to the Reader Options page of the card reader for which you wish to allow this function. Select Enable Keypad Only Operation and then click on the disk icon to save your changes.
    2. At the PIN reader, press [4] and then your card number, and then [#].

    Notes:  The Keypad-Only operation ignores the facility code of the cardholder. The access allowed follows the access assigned to that cardholder.

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎06-07-2018 09:29 PM
    Updated by:
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