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    How to setup a D8229 in ReadkeyPro


    1. Program the D8229 with a facility code or leave the default at 0 using the instructions provided with the Keypad.
    2. Wire the D8229 to the 1300 or 1320 module using the installation instructions provided with the Keypad.
    3. In rdkypro go to "sys admin" under "administration" and select "card formats".
    4. Create a 26bit card format or modify the existing one and enter the facility code programmed into the Keypad.
    5. Under "administration" select "cardholders". Create a cardholder in the appropriate tabs. When selecting the "badge" tab, in the "badge id" and enter the four digit  code that the user wishes to use.
    6. Log off and then back on to " sys admin".
    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎05-23-2018 08:52 PM
    Updated by:
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