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    How to troubleshoot Controller Encryption Error in Readykey Pro


    In Alarm Monitoring, the ISC is showing a status message of Controller Encryption Error. What can cause this communication error?


    A Controller Encryption Error can be caused if there is an encryption mismatch. First determine if the system is using encryption by checking System Administration | Administration | System Options | Controller Encryption and verify the setting Connection type. If this is set to Plain Connection, then encryption is not being used.

    ∙ If the encryption is not being used, then ensure that Dipswitch 8 on the LNL-500 or LNL-1000 is set to OFF. Note: Dipswitch 8 is only valid on ISCs that contain advanced encryption standard (AES) firmware, which would be revision 3.086 or higher with the AES designation; therefore, dipswitch 8 only affects ISCs with AES firmware.

    ∙ If the ISC does not have 3.086 or higher, or it does not have the AES designation, then it will not support encryption if it is enabled in the database.

    ∙ If encryption is enabled in the database, then ensure that dipswitch 8 is ON with an appropriate revision ISC.

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎06-12-2018 05:40 PM
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