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    How to troubleshoot a BIS License empty - FIPS

    Customer works with US Government and implemented the FIPS policy on the BIS Server.
    This policy prevents the execution of encryption and decryption processes on the server.
    The BIS tries to encrypt the data when reading the license but this is prevented by the policy. This has the consequence that the license cannot be read.
    Disable the FIPS policy and use the BIS installation medium to do a repair.
    Please note: It could be possible, that only disabling the policy does not work every time.
    In those cases it could happens that some remaining fragments of FIPS are still on the server and therefore a new installation of the OS and the BIS is necessary.

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎05-21-2018 07:58 PM
    Updated by:
    Labels (3)