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    How-to: D6600 Reporting Area Number to Automation


    Can the D6600 reciever transmit area numbers to the automation system?


    Yes. But only when sending in the SIA mode output. Area information is not passed to automation when the output is programmed for the 6500 Mode. The passage of the Area Number to automation will be as follows: 


    aaaa = The Account Number.  X is the Area Number. YYY is the user number.

    As an example, in data portion of the SIA Automation string, a closing on area 2, account number 1856, user number 4 would appear as such in the SIA Mode.


    Closings and Openings on multiple areas will report as multiple strings. The area number in the SIA strings do not stack up. Each OP/CL is sent to automation as a seperate string.

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎06-07-2018 05:22 PM
    Updated by:
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