Partially Arm the Perimeter, COMMAND 8.
Partially Arm the Perimeter, COMMAND 8
COMMAND 8 is used to arm the perimeter of your building while selected portions of the perimeter remain unarmed. Perimeter zones that are not secure (faulted) when COMMAND 8 is entered, are automatically bypassed and are not included in the system. COMMAND 8 does not arm the interior of your building. Exit delays are provided with this arming command. Although this command does not send a "Closing Report" to the Central Station, it will still send alarms.
NOTE: Zones that have been bypassed (not armed with the system) cannot be armed again until the system has been disarmed, the zones returned to normal, and the system is armed again.
Enter your personal passcode to cancel COMMAND 8.
Use this arming command in residential systems to arm the front of your house while the interior and the rear perimeter doors are left unarmed, giving you freedom of movement between the house and patio. In commercial systems, when you need access to the large overhead doors to receive deliveries, using COMMAND 8 will allow you to keep the rest of your building armed.
To use COMMAND 8:
Part numbers D8112E, D8112E1, D8112G, D8112G1, D8112G2