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    How to Setup Special Alert COMMAND 7 D8112


    Special Alert COMMAND 7.


    Special Alert COMMAND 7

    This Alpha II command is a manually operated and initiated alarm command. COMMAND 7 can be programmed to respond to a choice of numerous situations that may need immediate attention. This command may also be used to send a silent alarm to the Central Station without sounding an alarm signal on the premises. Check with your alarm company for the options they offer.

    To use COMMAND 7:

    1. Press the COMMAND bar. The display should show SYSTEM COMMAND.
    2. Press the 7 key. The display indicates which zone COMMAND 7 is programmed to report to the Central Station. If programmed as an invisible alarm, the display does not change from what was previously shown.



    Part numbers D8112, D8112E, D8112E1, D8112G, D8112G1, D8112G2

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎06-14-2018 03:32 PM
    Updated by:
    Labels (1)