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    How to correct RPS displays small text in panel account pages?

    This article describes how to correct a situation where text in the main page of RPS appears normal but text in the panel account programming page is much smaller.

    Change the RPS program compatibility settings.

    1. Access the Properties page for the RPS executable file using one of the below methods.
      • Right-click on the RPS icon located on the desktop and select Properties.
      • If the RPS icon is not on the desktop, locate the RPS executable file
        C:\RPS\RAMV\Bin\RAMVMain.exe. Right click on the file and select Properties.
    2. Click the “Compatibility”
    3. Select “Change high DPI settings”.
    4. Select “Override high DPI scaling behavior”.
    5. From the drop-down menu select “System (Enhanced)”.
    6. Select “Apply” and then “OK”.

                 RPS Properties-Compatibility.pngRPS Properties-Advanced.png

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎05-19-2024 01:56 PM
    Updated by: