The following is required for sharing the hardware key or dongle over the network.
- A USB type dongle must be used; D5370-USB (RPS Full) or D5371-USB (RPS-Lite). LPT (printer port) type dongles cannot be shared over a network.
- The computer hosting the dongle must be powered on.
- The computer hosting the dongle must have Sentinel Protection Installer drivers installed. Note the Sentinel Protection Server service is installed with RPS.
- The computer hosting the dongle must have the Sentinel Protection Server service running.
- Firewalls can block the Sentinel Protection Server service listening port required for the dongle to work over the network. The following exceptions must be made when a firewall must be used ;
- For SuperPro or UltraPro dongles, UDP Port 6002 must be open for incoming traffic on the computer hosting the dongle.
- For Sentinel Hardware Keys, UDP Port 7002 must be open for incoming traffic on the computer hosting hardware key.
- The computer hosting the dongle and the computer trying to access the dongle must both be within the same subnet on the network.
- The PC trying to access the dongle must be able to access the PC hosting the dongle.
More information is available in the Sentinel Protection Installer ReadMe.pdf file. The ReadMe.pdf can be located in C:\Program Files (x86)\SafeNet Sentinel\Sentinel Protection Installer\[version]\English.
For more detailed troubleshooting, please refer to the Sentinel Protection troubleshooting guide attached to this article.