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    How to troubleshoot Popit points displaying Faulted even with EOL across the loop contacts?

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    This article is for troubleshooting a popit point which shows faulted even when a 33k end of line resistor is strapped across the loop terminals.


    When two Popits are addressed with the same dip-switch setting, the panel sees the address as Faulted regardless that an end-of-line resistor is connected across the loop input. Use the following steps to troubleshoot.

    1. Verify the point is programmed with the correct Point Source.
      1. Select Popex for points using the B299 interface.
      2. Select Zonex if using the D8125 interface .
    2. Change the popit dip-switch address by temporarily flipping the 0 switch. If the 0 switch is on, turn it off or vice versa. Alternatively, disconnect the correctly addressed popit and reconnect the Zonex loop wires to continue the loop.
    3. Use View Point Status to check the state of the point (see the article; How to use View Point Status).
      • If the point state changed from Faulted to Normal, then there is another popit in the system with the same address as the one which was disconnected.
      • If the point state changed from Faulted to Missing, then another issue in the loop is causing the disconnected point to go missing. See How to troubleshoot popit loops.
    4. Isolate the duplicate addressed popit by half splitting the popit loop until the duplicate address goes missing. Continue half splitting to isolate the errant popit.
    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎10-20-2023 03:46 PM
    Updated by: