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    How to troubleshoot why the D4412/D6412 keypad displays Not Ready regardless of all points normal.

    Why does the keypad display "Not Ready" when all points are normal?
    • The setting Don't Show Point Status on CC's is set to YES.  Change this setting to NO in order to see the standard text; “OK for All On” or “OK for Part On” when points are normal.
    Don't Show Point Status on CC's
    • This setting is located in the panel program under User Interface > Command Centers > Don't Show Point Status on CC's.
    • When set to YES, the keypad displays the Area Idle Text regardless of the normal state of all points in the area. The Area Idle Text parameter contains the default text: 'Not Ready' and if left unchanged, this will display at all times.
    • The Area Idle Text parameter is located under Area Parameters > Area Idle Text.
      • IMPORTANT: If the “Don’t Show Point Status on Command Centers” option is selected, the default Area Idle Text (“Not Ready”) should be changed.
    • When set to NO, the text command center displays “OK for All On” or “OK for Part On” across the second line. This indicates that all points are normal and the system is ready to arm All On or Part On.
      • If a controlled point is faulted (either open or shorted), the Area Idle Text for this point’s assigned area replaces the “OK for All On” message.
    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎06-28-2018 04:12 PM
    Updated by: