Overview: Missing points are points that are turned on in programming (Point Index other than 0) but can not be found in the field by the panel. This problem may have a number of causes such as; the point is actually not in the field, is wired incorrectly, has a faulty addressing device such as its POPIT or Octopopit, or there may be noise in the data loop in the field. When Points go missing, the panel generates responses based on the point type. Fire points generate Missing Trouble responses, non-fire 24 hour points will generate Missing Alarm responses. Points that are neither Fire nor 24 hour points will generate Missing Alarms when armed and Trouble when disarmed.
The panel is reporting a Missing Trouble. What does Missing Trouble mean?
Missing Troubles are generated when POPIT is assigned a Non-24 Hour index and is not being polled on the popit loop.
Missing points are points that are turned on in programming (Point Index other than 0) but can not be found in the field by the panel. This problem may have a number of causes such as; the point is actually not in the field, is wired incorrectly, has a faulty addressing device such as its POPIT or Octopopit, or there may be noise in the data loop in the field.
Part numbers D7212B, D9112B, D7212B1, D9112B1, D7212, D7412, D9112, D9124, D9412, D7212G, D7412G, D7412G, D9124G, D9412G, D7212GV2, D7412GV2, D7412GV2, D9124GV2, D9412GV2, D7212GV3, D7412GV3,D7412GV3, D9412GV3,
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