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    How to test WebSocket on DICENTIS wired: Conf Protocol & custom made platforms (Synoptic Webview)?



    The Conference protocol is a platform-independent protocol which is based on Web-Socket technology to enable scalability of the DICENTIS system and it connects with the DICENTIS web server.

    This is a small introduction to test if the web socket is basically working and if the connection is right.


    Step-by-step guide:


    Conference Protocol Demonstrator


    Please note that a web based demonstrator is available to assist developing and debug fixing for your own interface.

    The documentation and how tow use it can be found at this link.



    First test is to see if the port is available if not please check your IP settings.


    Enter the following in your browser.

    In this example the server has the IP of (due to a test without DHCP, not recommended to use this Link Local address for your server!) If you see this page you can reach the web server.

    2 WebSocket test for DICENTIS wired refering to Conference Protocol and custome made platforms (Synoptic Webview).png


    Second example to open the Demonstrator:



    As next step we will show you a simple method to test the web socket and command the DICENTIS some tasks. If this is working, then the Dicentis web socket is fine.

    First you have to install Weasel ADD-ONS in your browser.

    3 WebSocket test for DICENTIS wired refering to Conference Protocol and custome made platforms (Synoptic Webview).png


    Secondly you have to settle the connection with in Weasel. Please enter the following.

    "URL:" wss://<dcnm_server_ipaddress>:31416/dicentis/api   (in this case = wss://  )

    and open "Protocol" DICENTIS_1_0

    If you did everything right it will show you "CONNECTION READY"

    4 WebSocket test for DICENTIS wired refering to Conference Protocol and custome made platforms (Synoptic Webview).png


     Next let's log in the DICENTIS.  The user name is "admin" and we have no password set ""


    "messageId": 2,

    "operation": "Login",


    {"password":"", "user":"admin" }



    5 WebSocket test for DICENTIS wired refering to Conference Protocol and custome made platforms (Synoptic Webview).png


    You will get this response.

    6 WebSocket test for DICENTIS wired refering to Conference Protocol and custome made platforms (Synoptic Webview).png


    Now let's try to get some seats.


    "messageId": 3,

    "operation": "GetSeats",

    "parameters": {}



    7 WebSocket test for DICENTIS wired refering to Conference Protocol and custome made platforms (Synoptic Webview).png


    Oh I forgot to switch the DICENTIS on.


    "messageId": 4,

    "operation": "GetSystemPowerMode",

    "parameters": {}



    8 WebSocket test for DICENTIS wired refering to Conference Protocol and custome made platforms (Synoptic Webview).png


    Than lets switch it on now.


    "messageId": 5,

    "operation": "SetSystemPowerMode",


    { "powerMode": "poweredOn" }


    9 WebSocket test for DICENTIS wired refering to Conference Protocol and custome made platforms (Synoptic Webview).png


    With this short commands we were able to test the connection and control the DICENTIS.

    If you need additional information please have a look at "ConferenceProtocol.chm" under Docs which is provided within the DCNM Software. Please always use the same .chm protocol as you are running right now. If you update your system don't use the old one anymore since were are for example some changes implemented from time to time. If you use a Crestron system in between please do first a backup so that you can easily switch back if needed. You will probably have to change your programming depending on your version. Please check History before you go for a higher version.

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    11 WebSocket test for DICENTIS wired refering to Conference Protocol and custome made platforms (Synoptic Webview).png


    With the Debugger you can look into the program code.

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    Please note that every command is described in the Conference Protocol Reference!

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    And you can check it with the Conference Protocol Demonstrator.

    15 WebSocket test for DICENTIS wired refering to Conference Protocol and custome made platforms (Synoptic Webview).png

    Please check the History before you update your system because it is steadily improving and some commands were changed.


    Partner Companies which are using our open control design like for example conference protocol to build custom made control platforms are for example MIV.

    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎11-27-2024 08:27 AM
    Updated by: