The FMR-7033, D7033 or DS9447 remote keypad is constantly beeping.
The keypad has not been added to the system or addressed correctly.
Set the address on the back of each remote keypad and follow these instructions:
- Enter programming from the keypad that is connected to the D7024 or DS9400.
- Go to 3 – Program System
- Go to 4 – Option Bus
- Go to 2 – Setup keypads
- Enter the number of remote keypads and press the command key.
- The keypad should display updating.
- Total Bus devices should reflect the number of keypads that are in the field.
- Exit programming by pressing the clear key and the remote keypad should be normal.
Part numbers FPD-7024, D7024, DS9400, DS9400I, DS9400M, DS9447, DS9436, D7033, D7036, FMR-7033, FMR-7036