What type of lens mount does AVIOTEC have and what is the difference between C-mount and CS-mount lenses?
A lens mount is a mechanical interface between camera body and the lens.
Video surveillance market makes use of C- and CS-mounts.
C-mount lenses are less known compared to CS-mount lenses.
Mainly used with ½” sensors and greater, the camera body should support the lens mount type.
However, a CS-mount camera body can be equipped with an extension adapter to support C-mount lenses. The extension ensures that the distance between lens and sensor is correct, in order to prevent damages.
C-mount lenses have a focal distance of 17.526mms (0.7” inch)
CS-mount lenses are the most commonly used lenses. Mainly used with ½” sensors and smaller
CS mount camera with C mount lens is also applicable for AVIOTEC - since we are able to use in total 3 different lenses with AVIOTEC. One of them (the 12-50mm lens) is C-Mount.
Lens type for AVIOTEC: